Hi everyone. Tomorrow is FINALLY my long awaited rheumatology appointment. My appointment is at 10:30 and the paperwork says to expect to be there for 2-2.5 hours. Please pray that I get some answers. We know that the testing so far has pointed to Lupus, but it all depends on what this doctor thinks. I'm feeling so weary right now just thinking about it. I JUST went through this whole process with my uterine issues for almost a year, and it is exhausting. It was an endless cycle of scan, appointment, wait, scan, appointment, wait....all while in pain daily. Finally, a second opinion lead to the surgery that I ultimately needed to relieve me from the pain I had been having. I just had my hysterectomy in November. I need a break! I also went through this whole thing with my blood cells and infections just over two years ago, and saw a specialist then and went through the same cycle of non-stop testing and appointments with no answers. Now it's gotten even more serious and I NEED an answer so that we can DO something about it. So please pray that this long drawn out process will be fruitful!
Sorry for being a downer. I'm just having one of those days. My kidneys have been hurting and my liver is still hurting. My kidney hurt so bad that it was hard to sleep last night. I woke up this morning feeling achy all over and just plain sick. So far no fever, but I keep feeling like it's coming. And if it does, I have to go to the ER. And it means infection again. And probably a hospital stay. And that I'm not getting better. I don't even want to think about it. If you could remember me in your prayers, I'd appreciate it. Please pray for a successful appointment tomorrow that I can feel positive about. And please pray for my spirits to be lifted as I go through this journey. Thanks everyone.
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