Well, today was an interesting day, to say the least. I had a hard time falling and staying asleep last night, just as I had pretty much expected. This morning when I first woke up I seemed to be doing ok. I ate some cereal, did the girls' hair, and kissed them off to school. Then I got in the shower and was doing ok at first, but all of a sudden I felt a weird sensation when I was trying to breathe. A huge dizzy spell came over me, and I felt really weak and my legs were shaking. I sat on the floor of the shower and bent my head forward, but it wasn't helping very much. Then, of course, from being so dizzy, I also started feeling like I was going to throw up. I barely made it the few feet over to the toilet and collapsed on the floor. I wasn't totally out but was very close. I just sat there with my forehead on the cool wall for several minutes, trying to take really deep breaths. I was finally able to get up and go lay down in our bed. I looked in the mirror and I was pale as a ghost. I had nothing in me what-so-ever and my legs and hands were still shaking. I gave up on being "ready" for the day, and about 20 minutes later I left the house with wet hair and not one bit of makeup on for my appointment.
So here is the gist of what we found out today. I DO NOT HAVE CANCER!!! It has now been ruled out and I am SO SO relieved! My WBC counts also seem to have rebounded for the time being, so this means as long as I'm feeling up to it, I can be around people more (I especially miss church!!!). The only thing that he found was that I am VERY anemic (well, that explains this morning). I have severe deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, and folate (folic acid). What kind of bothers me, is that the cause is of it wasn't really pinned down. =/ The doctor agreed along the lines of Lupus/autoimmune disease, but said he couldn't speculate much more than that since that's not his specialty. Unfortunately, my appointment with the rheumetologist isn't until the 27th, so that means more waiting...=( In the meantime, I have to start giving myself vitamin B12 injections every day, and also got prescriptions for iron and folate.
As we were getting ready to leave the doctor's office, I was standing at the desk, scheduling my follow up appointment, when I started to get dizzy all over again and almost passed out! I had to excuse myself and go sit down and Luke said I was super white again. Luke ended up wheeling me out to our car in a wheel chair. When we got home, I went straight to bed and my body just collapsed into it. I fell asleep in about one second and slept for 4 hours!
So all in all, it has been a very interesting day. Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers, and I will keep you posted any time there is news to report. Oh yes, and I have my super long ultrasound early tomorrow morning, so if you could pray for that and pray that I have more strength for that tomorrow, that would be great. I found out that they are doing it on the entire abdomen, and that is why I have to fast and why it's going to take an hour. I will let you all know when I get the results. Have a good night everyone.
So relieved to hear that you don't have cancer... I really hope that today's appointment goes well... Thinking of you, xxxxx